Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Journey Home

     We left the Sex Museum and we were DETERMINED to make the 7 o’clock ferry. How determined were we? It was 6:55pm and we just got off the 1 train and we ran from the train through the subway, up the stairs (there was a lot of stairs), knocking into everyone, through the ferry terminal, and finally onto the ferry. We just made it. That night I learned a new way to get onto the ferry from the terminal, thank god for that I don’t think I could’ve ran up more stairs. While we were running you saw some other people starting to run to, especially entering the ferry terminal. We were finally on our way back home. We were exhausted, our phones were dying, we just wanted to go home and eat and sleep, like everyone else in the world wants. I’m sitting there with my two other friends and notice, my friend Angela is like knocked out sprawled out on the bench of chairs and my other friend Isabella is just sitting there, looking exhausted, and popped in her headphones. I’m charging my phone at this point and sadly forgot my headphones at home and there’s only so many times you can keep checking social media so I look around to see what other people on the ferry were up to. I noticed, there wasn’t as much people on this ferry as the one we had going into the city or from what I expected. It was a weekday past rush our so I get it, everyone was usually out of work by then and schools were still in session back home. The ferry was pretty quiet this night, some cops just walked by patrolling the boat, there were some men sleeping on the benches and appeared homeless, otherwise everyone sitting seemed exhausted and was on their phone listening to music. A very uneventful ferry ride where everyone just seemed exhausted from their long days.

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