Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Big Orange Boat

It’s a huge orange boat that gets to take you from one forgotten borough of New York City, Staten Island (my home), to the greatest city in the world, Manhattan. The Staten Island Ferry is personally one of my least favorite places to be since it is located in one of the poorer neighborhoods of Staten Island. Going to Manhattan is one of my personal favorite places to go, and the ferry is the cheapest way to get there, it’s free. As soon as you walk in you spell the food they sell, you smell the saltiness of the pretzels and the ice cream from Dairy Queen. You walk into the waiting area for the ferry and you see cute Labrador’s that you want to just go over and play with but you can't because they’re on duty, so you just look at the huge fish tank in the middle of the big room. On the Manhattan side the terminal is a bit nicer, cause well its Manhattan. The seats are nicer and looking like marble and you walk in and smell the Wendy’s they have in there and automatically just wanna go get some French fries and a frosty.  Observing the Staten Island Ferry I believe will be pretty interesting. I've been on it so many times but I never really watched my surroundings and watched people, besides if someone comes up to me or is acting weird.

Staten Island terminal - inside


Staten Island Ferry boat

Manhattan terminal -outside

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